May 13, 2024

Solving Array Problems with Prefix Sum Technique: Unleashing the Power of Prefix Sums

5 min read


Array problems are a fundamental concept in computer science and play a crucial role in a variety of applications, ranging from data analysis to algorithm design. While solving array problems, you might often encounter challenges like finding the maximum of all subarrays of size k or determining whether there exists a subarray with a sum equal to k. These are common problems in competitive programming and real-world applications, and they can be efficiently solved using a technique called the Prefix Sum Technique.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the Prefix Sum Technique and how it can be used to tackle array problems effectively. We’ll delve into various scenarios, algorithms, and real-world applications where this technique can be applied. So, let’s dive right into the world of array problems and the Prefix Sum Technique!

Understanding the Basics of Prefix Sum

Before we dive into solving specific array problems, it’s essential to grasp the concept of prefix sums. A prefix sum, often denoted as the cumulative sum, is an array that stores the sum of elements up to a given index. In other words, for an array `arr` of length `n`, the prefix sum array `prefix` is calculated as follows:


prefix[0] = arr[0]

for i in range(1, n):

    prefix[i] = prefix[i-1] + arr[i]


Now, let’s explore two of the most commonly encountered array problems where the Prefix Sum Technique shines:

Maximum of All Subarrays of Size k

Problem Statement: Given an array of integers `arr` and an integer `k`, find the maximum element in all subarrays of size `k`.

This problem can be efficiently solved using the Prefix Sum Technique. By precomputing the prefix sum array, you can find the sum of any subarray in constant time. This allows you to calculate the maximum element in each subarray without repeatedly iterating over the elements.

The algorithm to solve this problem is as follows:

  1. Create a prefix sum array `prefix` for the given `arr`.
  2. Initialize two variables, `maxSum` and `currentSum`, to keep track of the maximum sum and the current sum in the sliding window of size `k`.
  3. Iterate through the array from index 0 to `n – 1`.
  4. For each element at index `i`, calculate the current sum of the subarray by subtracting the prefix sum of the previous element `(i – k)` from the prefix sum of the current element `i`.
  5. Update `maxSum` with the maximum of the current sum and the previous `maxSum`.
  6. Continue this process until you reach the end of the array.

Let’s look at a Python code example to illustrate the solution:


def maxSubarraySum(arr, k):

    n = len(arr)  

     Calculate the prefix sum array

    prefix = [0]  n

    prefix[0] = arr[0]

    for i in range(1, n):

        prefix[i] = prefix[i – 1] + arr[i]    

    maxSum = prefix[k – 1]   Initialize maxSum with the sum of the first subarray

    for i in range(k, n):

        currentSum = prefix[i] – prefix[i – k]

        maxSum = max(maxSum, currentSum)    

    return maxSum


This algorithm allows you to find the maximum element in all subarrays of size `k` in linear time, making it an efficient solution for this common array problem.

Subarray Sum Equals k

Problem Statement: Given an array of integers `arr` and an integer `k`, determine if there exists a subarray sum equals k.

This problem can also be solved using the Prefix Sum Technique, and it involves maintaining a hashmap to keep track of prefix sums encountered so far. This hashmap allows us to efficiently check whether a subarray with the desired sum `k` exists.

The algorithm to solve this problem is as follows:

  1. Create a prefix sum array `prefix` for the given `arr`.
  2. Initialize a hashmap `sumCount` with one entry (0, 1). This entry represents the initial prefix sum of 0, which has been encountered once.
  3. Initialize two variables, `count` and `currentSum`, to keep track of the number of subarrays with a sum of `k` and the current sum.
  4. Iterate through the array from index 0 to `n – 1`.
  5. For each element at index `i`, calculate the current sum of the subarray by subtracting the prefix sum of the previous element `(i – k)` from the prefix sum of the current element `i`.
  6. Check if `(currentSum – k)` exists in the `sumCount` hashmap. If it does, increment `count` by the corresponding value in the hashmap.
  7. Update the `sumCount` hashmap with the current prefix sum. If it already exists, increment its count by 1; otherwise, create a new entry.
  8. Continue this process until you reach the end of the array.

Here’s a Python code example to implement this solution:


def subarraySum(arr, k):

    n = len(arr) 

     Calculate the prefix sum array

    prefix = [0]  n

    prefix[0] = arr[0]

    for i in range(1, n):

        prefix[i] = prefix[i – 1] + arr[i] 

    sumCount = {0: 1}   Initialize with one entry representing the prefix sum of 0

    count = 0

    currentSum = 0    

    for i in range(n):

        currentSum = prefix[i]

        if currentSum – k in sumCount:

            count += sumCount[currentSum – k]        

        sumCount[currentSum] = sumCount.get(currentSum, 0) + 1    

    return count


This algorithm allows you to efficiently determine whether there exists a subarray with a sum equal to `k` in linear time. It also highlights the power of the Prefix Sum Technique in solving a wide range of array problems.

Real-World Applications of the Prefix Sum Technique

While the Prefix Sum Technique is invaluable for solving array problems in competitive programming, its utility extends to various real-world applications. Let’s explore a few scenarios where this technique can be applied:

1. Stock Price Analysis

In finance and stock market analysis, tracking the cumulative returns or price changes over time is essential. By using the Prefix Sum Technique, you can efficiently calculate the cumulative returns or changes in stock prices, which aids in understanding the overall performance of a portfolio or stock.

2. Video Encoding and Decoding

In video encoding and decoding algorithms, maintaining pixel intensities, luminance values, or color channels involves processing arrays of data. The Prefix Sum Technique can help calculate cumulative values in these arrays, facilitating smooth video playback and rendering.

3. Image Processing

In image processing applications, filters and convolution operations often require summing pixel values within a specific region. The Prefix Sum Technique can optimize these operations by precomputing the cumulative sum of pixel values, resulting in faster image processing algorithms.

4. Web Traffic Analysis

Analyzing web traffic data, such as page views or user interactions, may involve tracking cumulative statistics over time. Utilizing the Prefix Sum Technique allows for efficient computation of cumulative metrics, making it easier to identify trends and patterns in web traffic.


The Prefix Sum Technique is a powerful tool in the arsenal of any programmer or data scientist. It simplifies the process of solving array problems, such as finding the maximum of all subarrays of size k and determining if a subarray’s sum equals k. By precomputing prefix sums, you can efficiently handle these challenges in linear time, improving the performance of your algorithms.