“I fought jealousy and won!”-A jealousy story of triumph
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We LOVE hearing success stories…
and… here’s a success story about how Courtney stopped her jealousy and how you can get rid of it in your relationship and life too.
Here’s Courtney’s jealousy story in her own words…
“Jealousy not only affected my relationship, it consumed my entire life. I would make my partner crazy from my incisive nagging and I made myself crazy from the constant ideas that I wasn’t good enough. I felt like my partner was going to leave me one day because it happened before.
“I was desperate and willing to try anything to make the constant wondering go away in my head. I bought the NO MORE JEALOUSY packet and began reading and listening. I found that the most help came from the chapter that said that we tell our self stories that are untrue.
“We need to change those stories to the positive. So true, if I’m running around in fear that my partner will cheat, does it matter that he’s not?
“In my head he is and it was making me crazy. I was ready to do whatever it took to change these patterns. So I changed these stories. There were techniques to identify feelings of anger and fear, and how to come to terms with those feelings.
–>FREE eBook Now: “7 Jealousy Stopping Secrets”<–
“I have to admit that not every day is perfect. I have to remind myself of these tools often. I even have a bad day now and again and might take things out on people that don’t deserve it but I have the tools now to deal with these issues quicker and with more tact.
“I feel that this No More Jealousy program wasn’t just a book and audios. It was life lessons on how to deal with your feelings, and get out of negative patterns or stories that we tell ourselves.
“Thank you Susie and Otto for well needed tools to deal with feelings and inadequacies.”
A great big thank you to Courtney for letting us tell her story and for giving us permission to post this on our web site.
The fact is that you can see real results of greater love and happiness in your life as well!
If you’re battling jealousy, know that you can stop it so you can have the love and connection you want.
If you have a question about your personal situation or want to talk with one of us in a “no-charge” jealousy coaching session, contact us here…
Source link Everyone experiences jealousy from time to time, but for some people, it can take over their lives. For this article, we decided to talk to one person who was able to take back control of their life and triumph over the negative feelings associated with jealousy.
John is a 26-year-old who, like many of us, has had his fair share of romantic entanglements. However, unlike others, he found himself dealing with intense feelings of jealousy, something he wasn’t used to. It all started when his current girlfriend began talking to someone else.
“At first, I was so angry and filled with jealousy,” John says. “When I confronted her, she told me that it was all platonic, but I just couldn’t help but think that she was considering going out with him instead. I felt like all my insecurities were coming up to the surface, and I just couldn’t shake them.”
It was at this time that John decided to confront his problem head-on. He opened up to his friends and family about his struggle with jealousy and sought their advice. It was at this time that he decided to take action.
“I made the conscious decision to banish jealousy from my life,” he said. “I told myself to trust my girlfriend, to appreciate the relationships I have, and to stop worrying about what other people were doing. I had to be intentional with my thoughts, and I had to make sure that I was constantly reflecting on the things I was grateful for.”
John has now been living a life with minimal jealousy for almost a year now. He says he’s found the “freedom and peace of mind” that comes with living without such a destructive emotion.
“I had to work hard to get to this point, but it was worth it,” he says. “I look back now and I’m thankful that I took the time to fight for my happiness.”
John’s story is a great example of how one can overcome even the strongest emotions. With determination and support from his friends, John was able to fight off his jealousy and come out victorious. It’s a reminder to us all that no emotion is immutable and that with the right amount of self-love and inner strength, we can overcome the challenges that life throws at us.