Highlights from the 2023 Future of Education Technology Conference
2 min read
Resource backlink On June 6th-8th, 2023 the Future of Education Technology Conference was held at the Toronto Convention Centre in Toronto, Canada. Attendees from across the world gathered to discuss and explore the possibilities of technology and their role in changing the face of education. With over 3,000 participants, the Conference showcased a plethora of inspiring conversations, industry-leading technological advancements and educational initiatives.
The Conference began with a keynote from renowned edtech entrepreneur, Dr. Jeff Sanderson. He emphasized the need for institutions to take advantage of the current development approach of ‘failing fast’ and to aspire to develop revolutionary technologies that rely on strong foundations of collaboration and teamwork.
The conference highlighted the use of virtual and augmented reality in classrooms, with a particular focus on the development of 3Dimensional learning environments. This technology has the potential to revolutionize the way students learn, allowing them to virtually explore the environment and gain real-world experience while saving time and money.
The availability of machine learning and artificial intelligence in the classroom was also discussed extensively. These tools have enabled students to become more independent in their learning and can also open up new pathways for personalized learning programs.
Through panel discussions and a series of educational workshops, educators had unprecedented access to cutting-edge technique, examples, and tips for leveraging these new technologies for their own learning activities. Some of the topics discussed included cognitive assessment systems, learning analytics, digital storytelling, and gamification.
One particularly important topic was the advancement of privacy and data security in schools, as data breaches become increasingly common. This is an area of critical importance to all educational institutions and the Conference was witness to some of the latest developments in this field, such as the adoption of blockchain technology to store student data.
Overall, the Future of Education Technology Conference was a fantastic opportunity for educators and administrators to gain valuable insight into the rapidly evolving field of education technology and the major changes that are occurring. The conversations and workshops provided a platform for meaningful dialogue and exchange between industry leaders and academic professionals, laying the groundwork for the future of education.