February 19, 2025

Generation Z not big on sharing personal info

2 min read


Approximately two-thirds of all consumers surveyed by Pantheon and Hanover Investigate will exchange particular specifics for bargains and coupons, however only 35% of Generation Z customers will share any form of own info. Generic messaging is most well-liked more than customized communications by 64% of customers and 48% continue to be absent from personalization to stay clear of staying individually tracked.


Resource backlink In recent years, a growing number of studies have been conducted to gain an understanding of the behaviors and attitudes of the latest generations, with many reports focusing on the apparent reluctance of Generation Z to share private information.

Generation Z is often characterized as those born between 1997 and 2012 and identified as ‘digital natives’, having grown up in an environment heavily influenced by technology. As a result, members of Generation Z are seen as having a very different attitude to data protection and digital privacy than their predecessors.

Studies have found that Generation Z are far less likely to voluntarily share personal information online than other generations, such as Millennials and Generation Xers. A survey conducted in the US found that 51% of Generation Zers are unwilling to provide any information over the internet, compared to 33% of Millennials and 27% of Gen Xers.

At the same time, data protection is a priority for many Gen Zers. Over 65% of the Generation Z survey respondents said that protection of personal information is one of the most important considerations when it comes to dealing with companies online.

This is in stark contrast to the attitudes of other generations, who may be more willing to provide personal data for simple conveniences, such as faster delivery or automatic ordering, or may simply not think too much about personal privacy when the internet is concerned.

There is speculation that the greater concern for privacy among Gen Zers is a result of growing up during a time of high-profile data breaches and increasing awareness of the potential misuse of personal information.

The implications for businesses intent on targeting Generation Z should be obvious, with companies having to take a much more stringent approach to data protection and refraining from asking customers to provide personal information. Ultimately, this could herald a major shift in the way that companies and other organizations interact with their customers online.