January 22, 2025

You Ex WILL Keep Tabs On You! | Free Podcasts

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Source website link These days, it seems like it’s virtually impossible to escape our exes. No matter how hard you try to move on after a breakup, it can sometimes feel like they’re still keeping tabs on you. And it’s true — many of us find ourselves in an emotional rollercoaster as our exes use social media to stay up-to-date with our lives.

But now, there’s a way to fight back against the intrusive behaviour — with the help of free podcasts. Podcasts are a great way to stay in the loop on trends, current events, and the latest news. They’re also an excellent tool to help you cope with your break up.

For instance, if your ex is stalking your social media, or sending probing questions, you can use podcasts to keep them in the dark. Some podcasters even cover topics specifically about break ups, and can give you new tools and strategies to help you cope. They also offer advice on how to put yourself first, and guard yourself against your ex.

Another great way to use podcasts is to take the focus off yourself and your ex, and onto broader themes. The recent crisis has transformed the dating landscape, and this can be an especially good time to learn more about the opposite sex. For free, you can gain insights from leading experts on a variety of topics from attraction to love. You can even find podcasts devoted to the world of dating, helping you to be better prepared for future relationships.

So for anyone struggling to come to terms with their break up, or trying to remain out of the sight of their ex, taking advantage of the abundance of free podcasts available can be a great tool for coping and staying informed. Podcasts provide endless entertainment, but they’re also a powerful tool in helping you move forward from your break up. So give them a try, and soon you’ll feel like you have the upper hand over your ex!