January 21, 2025

Write for Educational Leadership — New Themes Announced

2 min read


ASCD is happy to announce the subsequent slate of Educational Leadership situation themes for the 2022–23 tutorial year.  –Extra– 


Resource website link It is with great pleasure that the Educational Leadership Journal announces their new lineup for upcoming themes for their publication! In 2021, the journal plans to cover a wide array of topics, from building a strong support network for teachers, to creating positive learning environments for students, to advancing gender equity in education, and more.

To more effectively engage with their readers, the journal strives to provide relevant and up-to-date information on topics that impact education as a whole. With this in mind, Education Leadership Journal is increasing its focus on topics that highlight the voices of students, educators, administrators, parents, and communities in order to amplify meaningful conversations around the future of education today.

In particular, the Editorial Board of the journal is excited to be introducing new themes such as:

“Inclusion and Empowerment: Creating Safe and Respectful Learning Environments” – This theme is geared towards exploring how teachers, administrators, and community members can create respectful and inclusive classroom environments.

“Leadership in Technology Integration” – This theme invites readers to discuss the role of technology as it relates to teaching and learning.

“Equity in Education” – This theme looks to uncover the disparities in access to education and resources, as well as explore ways to close the gap between the haves and have-nots in education.

“Future-Ready Schools” – this theme provides readers the opportunity to discuss new approaches to teaching, such as personalized learning and flipped classrooms, as well as how to leverage technology to empower students.

The Editorial Board encourages readers to submit high quality manuscripts focusing on the new themes offered. All manuscripts related to the new topics must be original and unpublished work. For more information regarding the submission criteria, please visit the journal’s website.

Education Leadership Journal is looking forward to receiving submissions from a variety of voices that reflect a diverse range of perspectives and experiences. The Editorial Board believes that by focusing on these new topics, the journal can provide readers with meaningful and relevant information as it relates to the state of education today.

If you are interested in engaging in the dialogue about this timely topics, make sure to check out Educational Leadership Journal for more information. We look forward to hearing from you!