Student data privacy regulations | eSchool News
2 min read

For cyber intruders, students’ personally identifiable facts (PII) can be rewarding. Not only is it relatively simple to open up fraudulent accounts in a student’s name, but it can also go undetected for
months or decades. In purchase to mount a compliant, multi-layered approach to pupil facts protection, school and IT leaders need to understand these 4 college student info privateness laws.

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Supply hyperlink Student data privacy regulations are at the forefront of today’s education landscape, as more schools have taken charge of educating students with new digital tools and tech-based methods. The ability of schools and educational institutions to protect student data and ensure its privacy is paramount in the current climate of heightened security already surrounding student information in both the physical and digital realms.
Due to the fact that more data is now stored and tracked online, educational institutions are now obliged to take additional measures to ensure that student data is not only safeguarded, but is also kept safe from outside sources. This is where data privacy regulations come into play.
These regulations are designed to provide guidance on when and how student data can be collected, how it can be used and how long it can be retained by an institution or school. In some jurisdictions, the regulations must be strictly adhered to in order to maintain compliance and keep a school from being susceptible to potential criminal or civil penalties.
The regulations generally dictate that the information collected must be closely related to the purpose for which it was gathered. In addition, the regulations may also require a school to obtain parental or guardian authorization before collecting, using and/or sharing their student’s data. Other regulations dictate that schools to need to disclose the information they have directly to parents or guardians and ensure it is used responsibly and only with the knowledge and consent of the parent or guardian.
Furthermore, in some jurisdictions additional privacy measures are in place to ensure that a student’s data is kept secure. These include measures such as mandatory password protections, encryption of data and regular data backups.
Given the importance of these regulations and the delicate nature of student data privacy, eSchool News has been closely following the latest developments regarding student data privacy regulations, as well as providing ways for educational institutions to stay in compliance.
We will continue to bring you the most up-to-date news and guidance related to student data privacy and the regulations that protect it. Our aim is to help educators take all the necessary steps to protect their students, their data and their reputation.