How to maintain secure access and data privacy
4 min readCybersecurity is a priority concern for most people accessing the internet. Unfortunately, students aren’t thinking about cyberattacks when they access sites for curriculum, research, and entertainment from their 1:1 devices–devices that are now so prevalent since the pandemic.
Schools’ exposure to cyberattacks has also greatly increased due to expanded remote and hyperflex learning.
Join eSchool News and a panel of experts to learn the latest strategies and tools schools are using to help keep student data safe and ensure students’ digital access is secure.
Key takeaways:
- Learn the latest techniques to secure district systems
- Discover best practices for educating students and families on proper digital etiquette
- Ask cybersecurity experts about your data protection concerns
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Source link Data security is one of the most important issues for any organization or industry. Ensuring secure access to data and data privacy is key to protecting valuable and sensitive information. There are a number of steps that businesses and organizations can take to maintain secure access and data privacy.
First, it is important to regularly assess existing security procedures and protocols to determine if they are still efficient and effective in keeping data safe and secure. Controls should be regularly monitored and updated and any gaps or weaknesses in security should be immediately identified and addressed.
Second, organizations should evaluate and adjust their data sharing practices. Many organizations and businesses rely on third-party providers to store and share data and information. It is important to ensure that all third-party providers are secure and compliant with data privacy regulations.
Third, organizations should consider the use of encryption techniques to protect data from unauthorized access. Encrypting data reduces the risk of data breaches, ensuring that sensitive information is secure and protected.
Fourth, organizations should consider implementing user authentication protocols. User authentication systems, such as two-factor authentication, require users to provide additional forms of identification and authorization to access data. This increases the level of security and reduces the risk of unauthorized access.
Finally, organizations should deploy security tools and technologies to monitor access and detect threats. Security tools and technologies, such as firewalls and intrusion prevention systems, can protect data and provide real-time alerts when suspicious activity is detected.
By regularly assessing existing security procedures, evaluating data sharing practices, implementing encryption techniques, deploying user authentication protocols, and deploying security tools, organizations and businesses can ensure secure access to their data and protect data privacy.