September 9, 2024

Fact or fiction: Devices stunt SEL

2 min read


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Resource hyperlink Fact or Fiction: Devices Stunt SEL

We are living in an age when technology has become a major component of our lives, and our children are the most affected. It is therefore reasonable to ask the question, “Do devices stunt Social and Emotional Learning?”

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) plays a critical role in developing life skills, such as problem-solving, communication, decision-making, and handling emotions. To answer the question of whether or not devices impede SEL, we must consider the long-term effects of technology use.

In recent years, researchers have looked into the long-term effects of technology use on children and adolescents’ social-emotional development. According to a comprehensive meta-analysis conducted by scientists at the University of Oxford, there is evidence that extensive use of devices can negatively affect SEL development. The meta-analysis found that excessive use of digital media can lead to a range of problems, including decreased physical activity, increased risks for depression and anxiety, and attention deficits.

However, it is important to note that technology does not always have a negative effect on SEL. In fact, technology can be used to facilitate learning and to supplement traditional instruction. For example, with the help of technology, educators can create learning environments that support SEL. They can incorporate interactive activities and multimedia instruction to engage students in an effort to improve their social-emotional development. With the right approach, technology can be a valuable tool for boosting SEL.

It is also important to note that technology can be an asset in parent-child relationships. Through FaceTime and other apps, parents are able to stay connected with their children and be aware of their feelings and experiences. Technology can be an effective way to create a supportive home environment and bolster parent-child communication.

Ultimately, while technology may interfere with SEL development in certain cases, it can in fact be beneficial too. The key lies in moderating technology use and creating a balance that allows for both its benefits and costs.

In conclusion, the statement “Devices stunt SEL” is not entirely accurate. Technology can hold both negative and positive effects on Social and Emotional Learning, depending on its use and implementation. Thus, we must look at the broader picture and make efforts to foster an environment in which technology use is balanced and constructive.